Package: ProbMetab Type: Package Title: Probabilistic annotation of LC-MS based metabolomics Version: 1.0 Date: 2013-05-23 Author: Ricardo R. Silva, Diego Martinez Salvanha, Ricardo Vencio Maintainer: Ricardo Silva Description: Provides probability ranking to candidate compounds assigned to masses, with the prior assumption of connected sample and additional previous and spectral information modeled by the user. License: GPL (>= 2) URL: LazyData: true ByteCompile: true Depends: R (>= 2.10), RcppArmadillo, Rcpp, CAMERA, GeneNet, graph, RCytoscape, hwriter, RCurl, XML, multtest, rjson Suggests: mzmatch.R, bootstrap, leaps, mgcv LinkingTo: RcppArmadillo, Rcpp Collate: 'RCreateDataFrame.R' 'combineMolIon.R' 'comp.results.R' 'create.reactionM.R' 'createXGMML.R' 'design.connection.R' 'export.class.table.R' 'export2cytoscape.R' 'formula2mass.R' 'get.Mzmatch.annot.R' 'get.annot.R' '' 'get.kegg.pathways.R' '' '' '' '' 'gibbs.samp.R' 'incorporate.isotopes.R' 'reac2cor.R' 'rt.predict.R' 'sbml2table.R' 'weightM.R' 'weightRT.R' '' 'create.pathway.node.attributes.R' 'create.reaction.edge.attributes.R' 'createJSONToCytoscape.R' '' 'openGraph.R' 'get.kgml.positions.kegg.R' 'get.formula.kegg.R' 'build.database.kegg.R'